The following is just a few of the things I believed before I started thinking for myself.
“Democrats are for the working class and Republicans are for the corporations and the wealthy.”
What crap this turned out to be! Neither of them is for the working class. And the only reason both parties bow to the corporations and wealthy is they need their money to get elected. And why do they want to get elected? POWER! Therefore, the two parties’ are for themselves. Had I not started thinking for myself I would never have known the truth about these yahoo’s. I would have just kept blindly trodden along with that ring in my nose.
News Media
“The news media always reports just the news and the facts supporting the news.”
That may have been the case in general at one time, but it darn sure isn’t today. These guys today are only concerned about their own agenda which has nothing to do with reporting just the news and the facts. So what is their agenda? First it is getting their definition of right, wrong, good, & bad out there, and who they want in charge to enforce those ideas. Second, it is only a business to them. And what & how news is reported is based on what will bring in the highest revenue, either today or in the future. On this topic I am most glad that I started thinking for myself before I was completely assimilated.
“Their mission: Hire only responsible, honest, hard working people to produce their goods; treat those people fairly; be honestly competitive; keep high morals & standards; and gladly accept a fair market price for their goods.”
This was mostly true at one time and it is the perception that took me the longest to overcome. The reason was that I worked for corporate America and I blindly believed anything they told me. But having a front row seat I began to realize what I was seeing was not what they were telling me. When questioned, they went into denial. When they could no longer defend their denials they started inventing words & phrases that justified their immoral changes. Their mission has changed and it is not good. This is the one that has the most immediate negative effect on individuals if they keep believing corporate America and do not start thinking for themselves.
Religious Beliefs
“There are only two choices; heaven or hell. God created me and that was that. It was my choice where I went after I died. My particular religious belief was one of the very few that people could believe in and get to heaven. Others were doomed.”
Later in life I started paying attention to other religious beliefs, and things were just not adding up. So I started thinking & looking. Some very substantial evidence was found that implied there were alternatives. Some archeological evidence contradicts parts of the bible & some evidence support parts of the bible. Astronomical evidence has more than proven there is an excellent chance of life on other planets given the immeasurable size of the universe. If not, why would God make the universe so big just for little ol’ us? So I now figure, at best, God does not have the tunnel vision that we have been taught for thousands of years.
My thinking for my self has not, nor will not, change any of the above conditions. But there are a number of things in my life that have improved since I started thinking for myself and challenging what others were telling me to think. You can do the same thing too. If enough of us become strong enough to start thinking for ourselves then these conditions will change. The key to this success is not only what you challenge but how you challenge it. Being aggressive and controversial will not achieve your objective. However, you must be respectfully firm & determined. Don't be manipulated!
To read detailed points of view on some of my observations click HERE or on the "link" on the left sidebar and it will take you to my other weblog.
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